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A member registered Jun 16, 2020

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Sorry, didn't really word my comment that well. What I'm wondering is will there be more content depending on if we played slut mode in the previous game in theses content packs?

(1 edit)

Not sure if you have already mentioned it but will the pack also contain the slut mode content for when we played slut mode in the first game?

By far one of my favorites. I have a few questions that I want to ask.

First, you mentioned that the 2nd part will be different depending on the ending of the first. How will that be implemented? Will just be ay, you get to choose at the beggining? or will it be something else?

My second question is, will there be a gallery in game? And if so when do you think it will be added?

My final question is. Can you give a hint as to what will be in the second part? Although you dont have to answer this question if you dont want to.

Thats all I wanted to ask, I really enjoy this game can cant wait to see the 2nd part. I hope you have a lovely day

This multiplier is only for people in the same room than you or also for people far away from each other?

Yo tambien vine por joseju y me gusto el juego